"Tools of Change" Conference

Tools of Change 2013 Speaker Slides & Video

Presentation slides will be made available after the session has concluded and the speaker has given us the files. Check back if you don't see the file you're looking for—it might be available later! (However, please note some speakers choose not to share their presentations.)
Javier Celaya (University of Alcala (Madrid) and Dosdoce.com)
Publishers need to work more closely with technology startups. Partnering with them will allow publishing companies to gain access to innovative new products and services and will also provide them with real answers to their imminent future business models. During my 45-minute presentation, I will share insights, methodology and examples on “how to” actively partner with technological startups
Charles Nix (Scott & Nix, Inc.)
Presentation(Typographic) Freedom! Presentation [PDF] 
Good books deserve exceptional typography—and a key to creating exceptional typography is the freedom to choose the best typeface for the job. But where are we with typographic choice in eBooks? Should we limit ourselves to resident fonts? Which devices and formats allow font embedding? What are the legal issues regarding embedded fonts? Are we limited to typefaces that are freely available?
Dana Newman (Dana Newman)
In a world where authors must increasingly take responsibility for a much wider series of career-management decisions, perhaps none has bigger implications than key copyright and intellectual property decisions. Join Dana Newman, a specialist in these issues, as she runs down the fundamentals that any entrepreneurial author needs to manage in today’s shifting content and technology environment.
Corey Pressman (Exprima Media)
Presentationexternal link 
The separation of content from container affords publishers and developers an enormous creative opportunity. What was once 'book content' now can be delivered by well designed, open ended, interactive experiences. In the post-book era, readers become users, navigating the frontier from their armchairs via a seamless collusion of multimedia assets.


Moderated by:
Betsy Beaumon (Benetech)
Larry Goldberg (National Center for Accessible Media at WGBH (NCAM)), Rick Johnson (Ingram | VitalSource), George Kerscher (Daisy Consortium), Doug Klein (Nook Media, LLC)
A tour of evolving technologies, including mobile devices and e-readers, that provide reading experiences for people with disabilities and others. New reading systems, publishing tools and practices, EPUB 3, smart graphics, best practices, the Content Model for accessible images, and new retail models. Insights into content accessibility from publishers, retailers, researchers, builders and users.
Renee Register (DataCurate)
Based on concepts from the facilitator's recent publication, The Metadata Handbook, this workshop provides introductory metadata training through hands-on metadata creation and review. www.themetadatahandbook.com
Moderated by:
Erin Kissane (Contents Magazine & OpenNews Source)
Todd Boss (Motionpoems), Louis-Jacques Darveau (The Alpine Review), Eli Horowitz (The Silent History), Kate Pullinger(Bath Spa University), Russell Quinn (The Silent History)
In this 2-session “mini-track,” Erin Kissane leads a panel of artists (author, editor, designer/developer, poet, and multimedia producer) in exploring how technology is influencing art and authoring, and how the very nature of creation is being redefined by networked and other tech tools.
Nellie McKesson (O'Reilly Media, Inc.)
CSS3’s new Paged Media spec provides us with a set of tools to craft all book formats--including print--from the same HTML source, establishing a fresh, flexible, and attainable route to single-source publishing. I'll share technical details, workflow suggestions, and prerequisites for implementing an HTML/CSS book-making toolchain in your organization.
Haig Armen (Emily Carr University of Art + Design)
Canadian designer, Haig Armen will share the strategy, design and technology used to create a new approach to a digital book - a social book.
Arthur Attwell (Paperight), Michael Smith (Worldreader)
As publishers, our mission should be to put every book within walking distance of every home. Our success will depend on disruptive innovations that get books to people who have never owned a book, where there are no bookstores or libraries.
Laura Dawson (Bowker)
PresentationEmbracing Data Presentation [PPTX] 
Join Bowker’s Data Diva Laura Dawson as she explains the basics of Data and Metadata, the key things authors should be monitoring in their own data stream, and how new innovations in Open Data will transform the publishing future.
Dave Gunn (Royal National Institute of Blind People), Sarah Hilderley (EDItEUR Ltd), Doug Klein (Nook Media, LLC), Rick Johnson (Ingram | VitalSource)
This session will explore, with experts from across the industry, how accessibility can and should be considered throughout the life of an e-book to ensure that delivery of the mainstream format, is usable by people with disabilities.
Peter Meyers (Citia)
Are big blocks of body text the best way to convey ideas? It’s time to rethink writing tactics and layout practices tuned for the Age of Print. Put another way: how much of today’s info torrent do viewers understand? How efficient is the knowledge transfer between author and audience? This session looks at different content design techniques that help improve comprehension and retention.
Rob Eagar (WildFire Marketing)
Many authors and publishers still define marketing a book as expensive advertising, publicity campaigns, booksigning tours, and retailer co-op arrangements. Yet, what if you could increase book sales without spending a dime? Using case studies from his consulting work on recent New York Times bestsellers, Rob Eagar shows how to use the power of free digital resources to increase book sales.
Jeff Jaffe (World Wide Web Consortium (W3C))
Today’s eBook market is dynamic, fast-changing and strong. eBooks compete with printed versions, and there is a wide choice of hardware and software available for eBook readers. Nevertheless, publishers face major business and technical challenges in this market, some of which could be reduced or removed by standardization such as HTML5 and the Open Web Platform.


Henry Jenkins (University of Southern California), Brian David Johnson (Intel Corporation), Cory Doctorow (craphound.com)
Henry Jenkins, Provost’s Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts, USC Annenberg in conversation with Futurist at Intel Corporation, Brian David Johnson and Cory Doctorow, Science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger.


Steven Shadle (University of Washington Libraries)
Studies have repeatedly shown that including publisher metadata in systems used by libraries (including library catalogs, link resolvers and search engines) increases usage. Find out how libraries provide access to electronic content through your metadata and what you can do to improve that access.
Brian David Johnson (Intel Corporation)
In the next decade it will be possible to turn anything into a computer. We will be living in a world where we are surrounded by computational intelligence. What tools do we need to design this future? How can we envision our tomorrows so that we can start building them today? It is possible to change the future and it’s simpler than you might think.


Sol Rosenberg (Copia Interactive, LLC), Seth Kaufman (Copia Interactive)
PresentationImproving Your Margins Presentation [PDF] 
The big question:How do I increase profitability & sales for digital content? Here’s a surprising answer: start with your very own title list. Annotations may be a cute (and ‘must-have’) feature, but did you know it can hold the secret to publicity, engagement and sales in new and surprising ways? Find out how with case studies over the last few years with a variety of different types of titles.
Joshua Gans (Rotman School of Management)
The publishing industry is facing large changes as digitization continues to transform the industry. In this session, we will explore the economics of business models for publishing and will argue that these drive players towards models that embrace rather than repel sharing. Taking this perspective can enlarge the set of possible profitable paths for publishers.
Maria Popova (Brain Pickings)
Maria Popova, Founder & Editor, Brain Pickings.


Pilar Wyman (Wyman Indexing)
Pilar Wyman, President of the American Society for Indexing (ASI), demonstrates model mashed-up indexes which link both back into text and beyond, providing increased opportunities for discoverability and monetization for eBooks and other eContent.
Joshua Tallent (eBook Architects, now Firebrand Technologies)
The new Kindle Fire HD tablets and the exciting advancements in fixed layout capabilities available in KF8 have expanded the digital options for publishers with complex book designs. This workshop will cover the process of creating all of the different kinds of enhanced fixed layout files in the KF8 system, including children's, comics, and non-fiction.
Evan Williams (The Obvious Corporation)
Evan Williams, co-founder of Pyra Labs (creators of Blogger) and Twitter will be giving a brief demo of his new online publishing platform, "Medium."


Brenda Walker (EndTap)
Smartphones and tablets are being adopted at faster rates than almost every other major technology shift in history, while retail space for physical media continues to shrink. Is there a way to replace the tactile, visual experience of browsing in a bookstore that effectively sells digital publications?
Amanda Gomm (Digital Bindery), Tom McCluskey (Digital Bindery)
It's been over a year since the EPUB 3.0 standard was released and adoption is still provisional at best. In this presentation we will look at how the major reading systems interpret the standard (or don't) and address ways to ensure your content looks as good as possible.
Douglas Rushkoff ("Program or Be Programmed")
People spent the twentieth century obsessed with the future. We created technologies that would help connect us faster, gather news, map the planet, compile knowledge, and connect with anyone, at anytime. We strove for an instantaneous network where time and space could be compressed into one focal point: everyone would be everywhere at once.


Moderated by:
Kristen McLean (Bookigee)
Mitchell Davis (BiblioLabs), Angela D'Agostino (Proquest), Jason Illian (Bookshout)
This panel will examine the hidden (and not so hidden) structural issues that can make or break a startup in the publishing space—everything from chaotic and expensive data, to mis-targeting customers, industry bias, rights issues, unimaginative gatekeepers, friction from entrenched interests and more—and how to thread the needle to get the best chance of success.
Laura Baldwin (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), Phil Ollila (Ingram Content Group Inc.)
In this session you'll hear from O'Reilly's Laura Baldwin and Ingram's Phil Ollila on how both their organizations have worked together to build a blueprint for the publisher of tomorrow. O'Reilly used to be like many other publishers. Almost everything was done in-house and outsourcing was almost considered a corporate weakness.
Mark Waid (Thrillbent)
Comics and graphic novels are print relics in a digital world. Thrillbent.com publisher Mark Waid, a 30-year veteran in the comics field, demonstrates how he and his team have reinvented the comics medium from the ground up for tablets and mobile devices in jaw-dropping ways.


Publishing is increasingly about establishing and maintaining processes, not about producing once and for all finished and final products. This is especially the case in digital publishing, when publishing dynamic online books and selling them as licensing-services. In this session the audience will learn about some open platforms that are useful to service oriented operations.
Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.)
The ebook transition has had many publishers running scared. Tim O'Reilly is still excited about the future of publishing, and optimistic that we're discovering it, bit by bit. He'll share his thoughts from the front lines.


From the 10 finalists invited to demonstrate their innovations in person at TOC, a Winner, a Runner-Up, and an Audience Choice Award Winner will be announced during this segment.


Eve Bridburg (Grub Street), Porter Anderson (Porter Anderson Media)
Join Grub Street founder and Executive Director Eve Bridburg, and veteran journalist and industry observer Porter Anderson for a lively discussion of what, exactly authors need to be thinking about to expand their business and creative skills for the new publishing reality.
Karen Tripp (O'Reilly Media)
Karen Tripp, Digital Distribution Manager at O'Reilly Media, discusses the challenges of distributing ebooks to various retail channels such as Amazon and iBooks. File and metadata preparation will be discussed, as well as file delivery and strategies for effectively delivering content.
Doug Lessing (Firebrand Technologies), Micah Bowers (Bluefire), Susan Ruszala (NetGalley)
Selling Ebooks Direct To Consumer requires a seamless purchasing and reading experience for the consumer, yet to date, there are very few programs that have overcome the challenges of building a complete ecosystem. This session will explore the complete cycle of discovery, purchase, delivery, reading and feedback of a thriving Direct To Consumer program.
Travis Alber (ReadSocial), Christian Damke (Skoobe), Justo Hidalgo (24Symbols), Liza Daly (Safari Books Online)
Presentationexternal link 
Every six months or so a story breaks in the publishing media about the launch of a “Netflix of Books.” Shorthand for subscription, on-demand, digital books, it’s a concept that appears again and again in the media, but has been slow to gain traction. Why is this area of publishing not growing more quickly, and what companies are working in this area? Five panelists discuss their experiences.
Douglas Rushkoff ("Program or Be Programmed"), Evan Williams (The Obvious Corporation)
Join Media Theorist Doug Rushkoff and entrepreneur Evan Williams for an engaging discussion about the future of the Web, and the implications for authors, readers, and the publishing industry.


Meredith Schwartz (Library Journal)
Now in its second year, Library Journal’s Patron Profiles: Understanding the Behavior and Preferences of US Public Library Users, offers key insights into patrons’ rapid, enthusiastic adoption of ebooks. Despite “friction” from many publishers’ imposed limits on libraries’ ability to offer content for sharing, demand continues to grow and strong links between patron borrowing and buying endure.


Tobias Nielsén (Density (of Volante))
Tobias Nielsén, CEO and publishing director of the research-based publisher Volante, shares some lessons learned when trying to launch an international digital-first imprint – from a small-country perspective. US and other English-language publishers take a bigger share of our Swedish market every year, but how can we strike back?
John Wheeler (SPi Global)
The impact of EPUB 3 and HTML5 continues to expand. In this keynote, you will learn the top reasons to maximize your content for different devices and why you should be converting your existing assets to HTML5.


Richard Maraschi (IBM Global Media & Entertainment), Joe Wikert (O'Reilly Media, Inc.)
The era of big data is here - with new types of valuable customer information like sales trends, purchase patterns & sentiment. As publishers transform offerings & business models, the ability to leverage customer insights is critical. But without a solid strategy, publishers risk big data simply being a big problem. Learn about the meaning of big data and potential applications & strategies.
Matt MacInnis (Inkling)
Matt MacInnis, CEO of Inkling, will discuss newly announced technologies that will aid not only in the construction of structured, high-fidelity digital products, but also provide powerful new ways to drive content discovery among consumers.


Dave Cramer (Hachette Book Group), Stefan Hermann (infinity-loop GmbH), Bill Kasdorf (Apex Content Solutions), Denis Saulnier (Harvard Business Publishing)
HTML 5 is the lingua franca for EPUB 3, modern browsers, and apps-—and XML gives it the rigor and power needed for your whole workflow, not just the end of it. In this session, Bill Kasdorf will show how XHTML is being used to create a foundational model for publishers that provides the structure and semantics demanded by repositories, rendering, and repurposing while providing HTML-based agility.
Meagan Timney (Blurb, Inc.)
As the digital publishing landscape stands at the precipice of change, authors are in a unique position to create not just “eBooks” or “screen-based books”, but holistic and integrated “digital reading experiences”. Attendees will learn first-hand how to apply UX design strategies to the creation of “digital reading experiences.”
Kate Pullinger (Bath Spa University)
Award-winning novelist and multimedia creator Kate Pullinger explores the exciting opportunities for new forms,innovation, and taking literature way way beyond the book.
Todd Carpenter (NISO - National Information Standards Organization)
Presentationexternal link 
Alternative metrics, or altmetrics, are being rapidly applied in a variety of contexts for the STEM community. They are providing a number of new assessment tools for the research community. However, their application isn’t just for academic publishers. During this session, we will explore what alt metrics are, how they are derived, and and how they are applied.


Mobile is no longer just a conventient purchasing tool, it is a channel through which consumers can manage their daily lives. According to the MEF Global Consumer Survey 2012, 88% of the world’s mobile media users had engaged with some form of mobile content and commerce in the last 6 months - up from 82% in 2011. As mobile thrives, learn what your business needs to do to stay ahead of the curve.
John Tayman (Byliner)
Hailed as "One of the 10 Most Innovative Media Companies in the World" (Fast Company), start-up publisher Byliner is putting a whole new spin on the development and delivery of content.


Bill Rosenblatt (GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies)
What rights do consumers get when they purchase eBooks? It turns out that the answer is not so simple, *even if eBooks are DRM-free*. And as reading goes digital, it's a growing concern for publishers and libraries as well as users. We'll explore this legal and technical ticking time bomb and what it will mean in the age of content in the cloud.